An Outing with the Owls....
Our daughter had an invitation to a birthday party at the Hawk Conservancy Trust, Andover, Hampshire. I accompanied her and we both had an amazing time. It is a place I have been to once before, many years ago as a child. My main memory is being in a field, with no seating, watching the birds flying. The site has now changed completely but I could still imagine where I watched the birds all those years ago.
This is a photo of Melissa holding Whisper the Beebok Owl |
The Hawk Conservancy Trust is an award winning visitor attraction and a registered charity. It began life as Weyhill Wildlife Park in 1965, founded by Reg and Hilary Smith. It evolved over the years and in 1980 The Hawk Conservancy was created. The site is huge, twenty two acres of woodland and wildflower meadow, and there are over 150 birds of prey that you can see. It's the perfect way to spend a relaxing day with nature.
When we arrived I was given a large print version of the welcome sheet which was a lovely touch - it felt really inclusive. I was really impressed at how accessible the outdoor based areas are, all paths are tarmaced and the slopes are gentle. The viewing areas has designated areas for wheelchairs and all the staff were incredibly helpful throughout the day.
I particularly enjoyed the shows, we watched two of the three shows, and as it was a party, we were all able to hold a Beebok owl called Whisper. He wasn't scared of my wheelchair at all and it was a wonderful experience.
This is a photo of our birthday party group sitting on the tractor. |
The food in the Feathers Restaurant looked enticing and my homemade soup was delicious. . Following the party, I looked at the
Hawk Conservancy website and read that they also offer a large print menu which is a really useful resource.
We all enjoyed a ride on the tractor around Reg's Meadow, unfortunately it wasn't in flower because it was October, but it was still a beautiful sunny day and we were able to appreciate all the other wildlife.
I would highly recommend the Hawk Conservancy as an enjoyable day out for anyone and I would love to return in the future.
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