New paths and opportunities.....
So much has happened in the last two months - it's quite amazing to consider how life has moved on.
I have started my new job as Project Co-ordinator at Wiltshire, working on the Looking out for Sight project, and I'm loving it. It is so fulfilling to be using my own sight loss for something positive.
As well as delivering training to care homes, we have been training ambassadors for sight societies in the south west and it has been interesting to meet many different people, a large number of whom have experienced severe sight loss themselves. By becoming part of the project and delivering the training, they are raising awareness of visual impairment and the services of their local society.
Our project was nominated and shortlisted for the Innovation Award of the Vision Pioneer Awards. It is wonderful recognition of the work we are doing, and whilst we didn't win, it is an honour to be a runner up and to raise overall awareness of Wiltshire Sight.
I've also made some useful discoveries for aids to help me in the kitchen. I found it really challenging and frustrating on a daily basis but now I have these aids which are brilliant. Here is a link to the article I wrote for Wiltshire Sight: Well worth looking at - the oven shelf guards would benefit everyone whether you have sight loss or not!
Also, I discovered that Apple produce an excellent large print skin for their wireless keyboard. It's quite expensive - £30 but well worth it when you cannot see the keys without it.
The next few weeks brings lots more training, including a trip to Bournemouth, and also a studio radio interview about the project! It's brilliant to be doing something I enjoy so much.